art + design + education
art + design + education
Too perfect to be natural, gallery views, New York, 2010

Too perfect to be natural, gallery views, New York, 2010

too perfect to be natural

New York

Paintings + digital prints


Paintings: oil and pencil on timber
Prints: computer-modelled forms on aluminium
All works 60 x 60cm

The artworks in this exhibition use the same basic geometric structure to generate computer images and paintings, suggesting a world where imperfection is equally a part of nature/creation; where digital images are positioned in the context of an attitude to nature and a longer quest for perfection!

The underlying geometry unifies (links) seemingly disparate media, connecting the traditional aesthetic of the oil paintings with the coolness of the digital prints on aluminum.








generations #C3, #P3, #C4 and #P4

generations #C3, #P3, #C4 and #P4

generations #C9, #C10, #C11 and #C12

generations #C9, #C10, #C11 and #C12

Too perfect to be natural, gallery views, New York, 2010

Too perfect to be natural, gallery views, New York, 2010

generations #C1, #P1, #C2 and #P2

generations #C1, #P1, #C2 and #P2

generations #C3, #P3, #C4 and #P4

generations #C3, #P3, #C4 and #P4

generations #C9, #C10, #C11 and #C12

generations #C9, #C10, #C11 and #C12

Too perfect to be natural, gallery views, New York, 2010

Too perfect to be natural, gallery views, New York, 2010

generations #C1, #P1, #C2 and #P2

generations #C1, #P1, #C2 and #P2